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When deciding on a theme for this project, I decided to choose a topic that I am very passionate about and could project a strong message through. I chose sustainable and ethical fashion as it is a topic being increasingly spoken about as global issues such as pollution, global warming and habitat/biodiversity loss continue to worsen. As a species, we are having to look for possible solutions to these global issues, and industries such as the fashion industry are beginning to be held accountable for the damaging effects they cause. The fashion industry is a particularly powerful theme because it applies to pretty much everyone across the globe. Companies and fashion labels have begun to respond to the issue by releasing ‘more sustainable’ collections, although often their information is misleading and ‘greenwashed’. This makes it difficult for people to know exactly what they are buying and where they can find accurate information. My project has created a solution to this problem - A magazine that provides accurate and informative information about how to make your wardrobe more sustainable, and how to be conscious whilst still following the latest fashion trends. The outcomes of this project are a combination of print and digital. For example, a magazine, a website and social media accounts. This is because in this day and age, there are endless platforms on which to gain exposure. To be most accessible to the market, there must be a wide range of outcomes. From my market research, I know that my unique selling point is that the magazine is fresh, modern, and appeals to the 16-30 target audience.

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