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scan_en53286_2021-04-27-11-23-49 (1)_edited.jpg
AO2 - Creative Making

Throughout this project, I have used a variety of creative methods. It was important to me that the magazine was striking an had a variety of colour, texture and shape to keep the reader interested. For a few outcomes, I combined a variety of physical techniques to continue to develop the initial outcome.  

For example: 

I started with a secondary source image. From this, I created a mono print using black ink onto newsprint paper.   

  1. Ink up an acrylic sheet ensuring a thin, consistent layer

  2. Lay the sheet of plain paper onto the ink

  3. Lay the image on top of the plain paper. 

  4. Trace around the image with a pen to transfer the ink.

  5. Peel off the image and paper off of the ink.

This process took a couple of attempts to perfect. I found I only needed a very small amount of ink to avoid blurring of the lines and excess ink within the negative space. 

Next, I photocopied the mono print onto pink card. Then finally, I coloured the imagine in using posca pens. I used a variety of bold, vivid colours that complimented the pink background. 

Photography and Photoshop became a big part of the magazine. Several of the pages in the magazine include photos I have taken and then edited in Adobe Photoshop. 

First, I applied the desired makeup on the model. I chose to do dark makeup around the eyes so that the eyes would really pop after editing. 

I then laid the model down, ensuring that they were comfortable. I laid them on a dark blanket to achieve a dark background that the smoke would stand out on. 

I then positioned a smoke machine on the floor a few meters away from the model. 

Smoke was activated and as it came into the frame, I took multiple shots very quickly. 

Then, I edited the imagine in Adobe Photoshop using the following method:

1. Edit image to back and white

2. Brightness to -33

3. Contrast to 100

4. Levels to 2 & 229

5. Curves to - Input:106 - Output:175

6. Shadows to - Amount:0% - Tone:0% - Radius:0%

7. Highlights to - Amount:34% - Tone:100% - Radius:43%

8. Dodge Tool to enhance the highlights in the eyes

9. Create new layer > Use quick selection tool to select the iris of the eye > Colour blue using bucket tool > Overlay

Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 12.45.25.png

Makeup Spread

For this effect, I scanned in some organza fabric and used Photoshop to overlay it onto my primary source image. 

Textile Waste Spread

For this image, I used blue tac to secure some miniature figures to the inside of a jean pocket. The proportions of the figures next to the clothes make it look as though workmen are tryin to mine their way through an excess of textile. 

Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 12.51.57.png
Screenshot 2022-03-04 at 12.58.09.png

Evolve Spread

This is a reduction lino print. Printed on unwanted woven fabric.

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